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[流行音乐] 柴科夫斯基:天鹅湖(全剧) 含百度网盘


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发表于 2022-10-3 12:02:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Composer: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Orchestra: Utah Symphony
Conductor: Maurice Abravanel
Recorded: 1967 University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Label: Vanguard
Release: 1993
Format: FLACx2+booklet



Swan Lake
Grand Ballet in Four Acts, Op.20 (1876)

CD 1
1. Intro: Moderato Assai; Allegro Ma Non Troppo
2. Act I: Scene: Allegro Giusto
3. Act I: Valse
4. Act I: Intrada: Allegro
5. Act I: Allegro Simplice; Presto
6. Act I: Moderato
7. Act I: Allegro
8. Act I: Coda: Allegro Vivace
9. Act I: Pas De Deux: Tempo Di Valse, Ma Non Troppo; Viva, Quasi Moderato
10. Act I: Pas De Deux: Andante; Allegro
11. Act I: Pas De Deux: Tempo Di Valse
12. Act I: Pas De Deux: Coda: Allegro Molto Vivace
13. Act I: Pas De Deux: Sujet
14. Act I: Pas De Deux: Dances Des Coupes: Tempo Di Polacca
15. Act II: Scene: Moderato
16. Act II: Scene: Allegro Moderato
17. Act II: Scene: Allegro
18. Act II: Danses Des Cygnes: Tempo Di Valse
19. Act II: Danses Des Cygnes: Moderato Assai
20. Act II: Danses Des Cygnes: Allegro Moderato
21. Act II: Danses Des Cygnes: Andante; Andante Non Troppo
22. Act II: Danses Des Cygnes: Tempo Di Valse
23. Act II: Danses Des Cygnes: Coda: Allegro Vivace

CD 2
1. Act III: Opening Of The Ball And Entrance Of The Court: Allegro Giusto
2. Act III: Scene: Allegro, Tempo Di Valse
3. Act III: Scene: Allegro, Allegro Giusto
4. Act III: Danse Espagnole: Allegro Non Troppo; Tempo Di Bolero
5. Act III: Danse Napolitaine: Allegro Moderato
6. Act III: Danse Hongroise; Czardas: Allegro Moderato; Presto
7. Act III: Mazurka
8. Act III: Scene: Allegro; Valse: Allegro Vivo
9. Act IV: Danse Des Petits Cygnes: Moderato
10. Act IV: Scene: Allegro Agitato; Allegro Vivace
11. Act IV: Scene Finale: Andante; Allegro Agitato; Alla Breve: Moderato E Maetoso; Meno Mosso; Moderato

Never has a ballet recording been so phenomenal and at the same time doesn't quite meet my criteria for selecting the definitive ballet recording--that is, the quality of the recording itself aside, GENERALLY, the music also has to be performed by the orchestra that premiered it and that the orchestra has had a long tradition of playing it. Such is the case with Abravanel's 60s recording of Swan Lake. Certainly, one wouldn't normally think of a certain Utah Symphony Orchestra to give an astounding performance of Tchaikovsky's immortal ballet. But, this is an exception. When I bought the excerpt-version of this recording on cassette a decade ago, I thought it was plainly the best I had ever heard. Despite the passage of time and after four COMPLETE Swan Lakes added to my collection later, it has remained AMONG the best, in my opinion. Hence, the reissue of Abravanel's rendition of this work in its entirety is enthusiastically received. What's most striking about Abravanel's conducting are his tempo--he paces the orchestra just right--and his feel for the dance--the Spanish Dance and Mazurka in Act III are given a most exhilarating performance! His reading of the score is nearly impeccable and of the countless recordings of this masterpiece on the market, his rendition comes closest to resembling the "Mariinsky" style. The key here is Abravanel does not forget that this music is to be danced. Thus unlike, say, Ermler or Dutoit, his phrasing never lags or hurries. However, he in no way ignores the "symphonicism" of the score. The finale in Act IV, for example, is every bit symphonic in its passion. In my eyes, this recording ranks only second to Fedotov's DEFINITIVE Mariinsky-version on the "Classical Records" label. Plus, Vanguard's use of 24-bit technology in the remastering process makes the music sound as if it was recorded just yesterday. With the superlatives aside, this recording does leave one thing to be desired. Despite the fact that we're getting it in its entirety, it is only "entire" in terms of the extent to which Abravanel's performance had been recorded, not in terms of Tchaikovsky's score. Apparently, severe excisions had been made in the score prepared for this recording (CD2 clocks in at just 38 minutes). But don't let that stop you from getting this magnificent recording, for what is recorded in this set gives you a near perfect performance!

- By Gary -



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