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[流行音乐] 威尼斯天使乐团 Angels of Venice & Charles Edward 含百度网盘


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发表于 2023-2-15 12:32:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Ancient Delirium

专辑名:Ancient Delirium
艺术家:Angels of Venice & Charles Edward
发行时间: 2009年11月04日
音乐风格:Electronic / Acoustic

6 Years have passed since the last album ‘Sanctus’ of Carol Tatum’s outlet ANGELS OF VENICE has seen the light of day. Except for a compilation appearance on the third Accession Records sampler in 2006, a collaborative effort with SERAPHIM SHOCK vocalist Charles Edwards, there was nothing new to be heard. But 3 more years later, the project re-emerges from the shadows with a new album, called ‘Ancient Delirium’. For that, Carol Tatum has teamed up with just the same guy who adds his talents to her new compositions.
The opening ‘(Nag) The Serpent King’ stylishly blends the precision of cutting-edge pulsating electronic rhythms with an oriental murk that is far more intense in the way it oppresses the mind than any other form of darkness could. In-between, the full, warm timbre of Charles Edwards’ vocals drifts away and it seems his words are an echo of the past crossing the abyss of time. The title track reveals a raging soul, and Carol Tatum’s affinity to electric rock guitars. They’re wailing through the composition cutting a swathe, while masterfully played percussions meander around their harshness enveloped by subdued electronic beats and swirling, dark atmospheres. For ‘Friends’, the electronics almost completely disappear and leave the field to a myriad of acoustic instruments, so much tone-colouring is in there it’s incredible. Americana-inspired guitar play mixes with a traditionally acoustic style, a sitar comes in, later a violin laments, and world percussions give everything a special rhythm.
Opening with the sounds of the hammer dulcimer is the next song, which is at the same time one of my favourites: ‘Am I Dreaming’, which will take you on a magical journey. You’re going to be floating on a carpet of sustained ambience into a picturesque sunset, and your guide will be Charles Edwards whose intimate, comforting vocals embrace you and will send pleasant shivers down the spine. ‘Ahava’ (the Hebrew word for “Love”) propels with thundering, ritualistic drums, but this is still the most unspectacular thing to mention about this song. It’s coming up with a virtuoso flute showcase that will make your jaw drop to the floor in no time, and strong, in a way summoning female vocals grab you right away to drag you into this ecstatic whirlwind.
With ‘How Can I’, we’re approaching another favourite of mine. It’s opening with a beautiful harp solo, and the harp also is the only company for Edward’s reflective chant before a wall of moody strings unfolds. The song, whenever I’m listening to it, has me thinking of a person walking through a town, his or her little world, for the last time from sunset into the late hours of night. It is, however, not without doubts that this person decided to go away, but it’s a necessary step…or not? Following this reflective journey is the instrumental closing ‘Courtesan Suite’ that with its orchestration evokes the image of a royal caravan travelling through the desert. It is something that is akin to a movie soundtrack piece realized with luxurious instrumental sections and a limitless budget, and I think it’s a brilliant album closer.
The reservations I initially had about this album, because I’m usually not into that world music-tinged stuff really, gave way to sheer excitement. The more spins I gave it the more I fell in love with this very special liaison of electronics and hand-made, rich acoustic orchestration from all parts of the world, combined with an amazing voice. I can only recommend this album to anyone.


01. Nag (The Serpent King) - 4:13
02. Ancient Delirium - 4:20
03. Dreams & Nightmares - 4:21
04. Friends - 4:02
05. Am I Dreaming - 5:48
06. Dance until you forget - 5:00
07. Primitive Kiss - 5:09
08. Ahava - 2:49
09. I Fall - 5:56
10. How can I? - 4:14
11. Courtesan Suite - 4:01



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